Things Are Heating Up!

Hello Gloomy folk! 

We are about midway through the summer and yikes, is it getting hot out there! Swimming in Sweat, Hindered by Heat - There are probably quite a few modifier cards that could be made to describe these past couple of months. Which ones can you think of?

Despite the soaring temps our team continues to push on. We've been working on a lot of different areas of the game tackling tasks from all different directions. The art team has been making improvements to the end-game score screen, making it ooze with Gloom aesthetic. Animation continues to import the 3-D character models and get them moving around in (and sometimes outside) their card frames. The art team has also been continuing work on the various icons in the game and playing around with a lot of creative ideas on how to present them on screen. 

Keep following us on the Facebooks and the Twitter at the links below to keep up with everything Gloom: Digital Edition! We're getting closer and closer to our fall release and we're so excited to help you all spread Gloom acrorss the globe! 

Gloom on Facebook! 
Gloom on Twitter!


Something Wicked This Way Comes!

Hello everybody! 

Welcome to June. As summer begins the Gloom: Digital Team is making massive strides as we get closer to our release date, later this fall. We continue to work on everything from implementing the music, character voice-overs and card effects and it's all starting to come together to form one heck of a game! 

The art team continues to work on sprucing up the menu layouts and continuing to make final touches on the environments and backgrounds that will be your backdrops for every game of Gloom. We're including several environments from the various famlies/clans and we think you'll love all the attnetion to detail our team has taken with them. 

Keep it here as we're getting closer and closer to revealing what we've been up to! We know you're going to love it!

Until then, Gloomizens - Take care!


Gloom Mayhem

Hello Gloomballs!

As we get closer to launch we wanted to give you a quick update of where the team is at. Work continues to go smoothly on the development side but instead of another dev update we wanted to take a moment to fill you in on some of the efforts on the marketing and community side of things!

Our main focus has been getting gameplans for which outlets we want to launch on. We've been reseraching the process of getting on various spaces like the App Store, Google Play, Steam and When we finalize a plan on all the platforms for launch we'll begin work on building the pages for the different stores. Luckily, the process of buidling many of these pages is fairly similar. So once we have the screenshots, videos and content picked out we can plug it into the various services and our pages will be ready to go! 

Lastly, don't forget about ORIGINS GAME FAIR coming up in June. Atlas Games will have a presence there. So, don't forget to stop by and tell them how excited you are to spread Gloom worldwide! 

As always, keep it here for the latest on everything Gloom: Digital Edition and be stay Gloomy, friends!


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