Gloom: Digital Edition is in Pre-Production!

Gloom, the award-winning table-top game by Keith Baker, has been attracting fans since 2005 with its dark humor and beautiful transparent cards.  Today Sky Ship Studios, in partnership with Atlas Games and Keith Baker, has announced that a digital edition of the card game is in the early stages of pre-production. 

The Wisconsin-based indie studio has chosen to announce the development of Gloom: Digital Edition at this early stage for two very important reasons.  “First, we know there are thousands of Gloom fans out there who love the game as much as we do.  This project is as much theirs as it is ours and we want to make sure that fans have a voice on the project right out the gate.” says studio CEO, Eric Francksen.  Second, because Sky Ship is a start up, they’ll be relying on a Kickstarter campaign in the coming months to make sure Gloom: Digital Edition reaches as many fans as possible.  “We want to see the game on as many platforms and languages as we can and, for that, we’re going to need the community’s support.” Eric goes on to say.     

Fans of the game can visit to keep up on development.  If they want to throw their $0.02 at the developers, Sky Ship Studios is all ears.  Whether it’s sharing thoughts on the game or discussing which Kickstarter rewards folks want to see, they want to hear it.  They’ve setup forums at and members of the development team will be regularly available to answer questions and poll the community.

CEO Eric Francksen and Artist Levi Gilbert will be making this announcement (via during the Origins Game Fair June 3rd through the 7th.  Sky Ship will be arriving at the fair on the 4th and will be setup at the Atlas Games booth for anyone interested in meeting in-person.  Eric adds, “I’ve been a huge fan of Gloom for many years now and I couldn’t be more excited to share the news, in-person, with Gloom fans at the Origins Game Fair.”